Mayeu Passa (1921-1991)
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Mayeu Passa (1921-1991)

Mayeu Passa (1921-1991)


Mayeu Passa (1921 - 1991)was a French Artist from the Gr_sivaudan region. Translated from French...Marius Passa who signed his canvases Mayeu was unknown in the Gr_sivaudan and even France. It was in New York and Tokyo he expounded. But it is on the heights of La Terrasse, the hamlet of Le Lachat that "old owl", as he liked to be called, had his studio. Mayeu Passa was an autodidact. He drew his first breath in his native Provence. But it was his encounter with Matisse that really triggered his vocation as a painter. One evening his youth Mayeu see the great painter at his easel Porquerolles. But he never dared to address. The real meeting, he made ??in the books lent him painting students Kurzentrum Saint Hilaire du Touvet when he had reached a stay persistent pulmonary disease. The "old owl" painted all his life in solitary goal sarcasm of many of those whom he had dared to show his paintings. Fortunately some believed him. He first painted still lifes and his language has evolved towards abstraction to arrive at the symbolism. Nicole Cabret, an article in the newspaper "Le Monde", describes his painting as made ??"signs inspired hieroglyphics, he danced to the rhythm of his imagination, a ballet of shapes and colors. Abstraction one surprisingly, his work is surprising. " Kenneth Nahan, one of the most important art dealers Americans saw him as "an heir of Paul Klee and Mark Tobey." It is thanks to its merchant coast rose very quickly in the U.S. and especially in Japan. At the end of his life flowed lithographs orders worldwide except France. Mayeu was finally happy. "This extra life" as he said allowed him to go "looking for pictures behind the blue door" ... Unfortunately this door closed too early for it to be finally recognized in him.

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Via Artpeers you can buy unique works of art by Mayeu Passa and other recognized artists at auction prices. Buying art from Mayeu Passa via Artpeers is accessible, transparent and accessible. Many new works of art are placed in the auction every day, from modern paintings to old prints and from sculptures to design and jewelery. You can easily adjust the offer to your own wishes and you will automatically be brought into contact with the seller if you are the highest bidder at the end of the auction. At Artpeers you only pay 15% auction costs on the hammer price. This is already indicated when placing a bid, so that you will never be faced with surprises afterwards.

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