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Arte et Amicitiae

Founded in 1881 - dissolved in 1904

Arte et Amicitiae

Arte et Amicitiae should not be confused with the artists' association Arti et Amcitiae, both based in Amsterdam. The art company Arte et Amicitiae kept a friend's book during the years 1881 to 1904, called Kunst-Krans. Arte et Amicitia was founded in the last quarter of the eighteenth century, and has existed throughout the nineteenth century. Arte et Amicitia consisted of a closed group of art experts, art collectors and painters. Their goal was the promotion of the fine arts (and friendship). In 1883, the Rembrandt Association arose from Arte et Amicitia because of concerns about the sale of the collection of Jacob de Vos Jaczn, as a result of which important works of art were in danger of disappearing abroad.

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