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Figuration Libre


Figuration Libre

The term Figuration Libre, meaning free movement, is used in France to describe some young painters in the eighties of the twentieth century. The art does not have a specific style, but the inspiration comes from comic strips, TV series, commercials, magazines, etc. They wanted to rebel against the intellectualism that prevails within art. They longed for the pleasure one could find in painting. In the works they give their own interpretation of the world. The works are often colorful and divided into irregular sections. There is also a lot of use of stereotypes, reproductions, fantasy creatures and humor can also be found in the works. The Figuration Libre group can be compared with the German groups 'Gruppe Normal' and 'Mülheimer Freiheit'.

Buy Horst Antes - Zeit Räume? Bid from 1350!
Horst Antes (1936) German Zeit Räume
Dimensions32 x 48 cm (h x w)
SignedHand signed
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Buy Horst Antes - Mutter und KInd? Bid from 125!
Horst Antes (1936) German Mother and child
Dimensions92 x 72 cm (h x w)
SignedHand signed
SupportHandmade Paper
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