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  5. Vereniging Originele Grafiek VOG

Vereniging Originele Grafiek VOG

Founded in 1993


Chart platform VOG

With its various projects, the Graphics Platform VOG (Association for Original Graphics) is a meeting point for, in addition to graphic artists themselves, museums, galleries and collectors, among others. The graphics platform was created with the aim of creating an association that could better represent the interests of each of the parties involved. Since 2011, the association has been publishing the graphic magazine RAAM. Members and subscribers receive an original RAAM print with each issue. The emphasis is not only on the artisanal aspect of graphic art, but the association is also open to other forms of graphics, such as digital and computer graphics.

Buy Jurjen Ravenhorst - Bild Palme? Bid from 250!
Jurjen Ravenhorst (1958) Dutch image Palm
Dimensions82 x 87 cm (h x w)
SignedHand signed
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Buy Jurjen Ravenhorst - Samenkasten? Bid from 400!
Jurjen Ravenhorst (1958) Dutch Seed box
Dimensions82 x 87 cm (h x w)
SignedHand signed
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